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4 items found for ""

  • How to Install Arduino and Setup

    Hello My Dear Friends! In this Video will show you how to install Arduino and setup the settings and update USB 2.00 serial for Arduino Board. Tools Arduino Board USB B Cable A PC or Laptop to Program Download Tools Arduino Program download USB 2.00 SERIAL Download

  • How to Blink an LED Using Arduino

    Hello My Friends! In this tutorial I will show you how to Blink an Normal LED (Light Emmiting Diode) Using Arduino. Connection Hardware Required 1. Arduino Board 2. A Solderless Breadboard 3. A LED 4. Some Jumper Wires Download Code Code void setup() { pinMode(13,OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(1000); }

  • My Youtube Channel

    I'm Tharindu Jeewantha.In this YouTube Channel I'll Give you Knowledge about Information Technology and more.If You like to learn something everyday You can Join With this channel and grow your Knowledge. Peace✌ 👉👉My Youtube Channel Thank You.

  • How To Use IR Sensor Using Arduino

    Hi My Friends! In This Video will show you how to use IR Sensor Using Arduino Nano. And Blink a LED Using IR Sensor. 👉👉Video Link Connection Hardware Required 1.Arduino board 2.A Solderless Breadboard 3.IR Sensor (FC-51) 4.LED 5.Some Jumper Wires Schematic Code Download Arduino void setup() { pinMode(2,OUTPUT); pinMode(3,INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if(digitalRead(3)==LOW) { digitalWrite(2,HIGH); delay(10); } else { digitalWrite(2,LOW); delay(10); } }

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